.....''I just discovered a great newspaper for Pets and their People.'' It's called ''Fetch'' the Paper.

..I read a great article in last months ''Fetch'' the paper. It was about how Dogs don't have Consciences....a conscience requires the ability to think through implications of a future or past action. ''Kinda like having a Jiminy Cricket from Pinnochio inside your head telling you the difference between right and wrong.
I wish I had one of these Jiminys in my head...I wouldn't get into so much trouble now and then. Maybe that's what's troubling some Humans nowadays-they've lost their Jiminys too!...I sure hope they get it back, there's always hope...unlike us critters, you can't get back what you don't already have.
I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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