Over the Rainbow....
Dear Friends,
On Dec. 8 our beloved Pickle passed away in his sleep.
We rescued and adopted Pickle from a shelter in Florida almost five years ago now. He was an old dog that no one wanted because of his health and age . We saw otherwise and knew that everyone deserves a second chance.
I believe Pickle knew this as well...he wasn't willing to call it quits just yet. He had so much to say literally and so much love to give. He gave us five wonderful years.
He became my muse and my best friend...I'm glad I started this blog for him when we did, I guess I knew time was of the essence. I know that Pickle will always be with us...his memory will live on in the works that we do.
We love you Pickle....
Pres and Jeannine
( As a tribute to Pickle, we will post this one last picture of him. We will be back next year to continue his work. God bless you all and a Happy Holidays to everyone...let's all pray for PEACE in the coming year!!!)

Dear Pres and Jeanine,
I am so sorry to hear about Pickle......you both must be heartbroken. I know how it feels to lose a beloved pet and friend. They become members of the family no matter how long they have been with you. I'm sure Pickle will remember his last years with you as happy and loving ones....what better way to live the best days than to be with someone as caring as you both.I feel honoured to have read and seen your pictures whilst Pickle was still with you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me share, become a member of your extended family, and to be the prous owner of one of Pickle's pictures.
I'm lost today.....now two of my dearest friends have gone over the rainbow..... I still haven't come to terms with the first losss.....and now I hear we have lost Pickle too.
My heart and hugs are with you today.
Return when you are ready.....and I, as well as all of your other readers will wait patiently and lovingly for you.
God bless you all.
Dear Pres and Jeanine
My deepest sympathies to you and your family on your loss. I'm sure you will celebrate his life and rejoice in his memories. Thoughts and prayers go to you from Malaysia.
Dear Pres and Jeanine,
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of Pickle. My thoughts and prayers go out to both of you.
Dear Pres and Jeanine
We are sorry the loss. We are sure that Pickle never will be forgotten, we will be our goal.
Oh gosh... I am so sorry! It is not easy to loose a family member...
From England
Mad Wag
pres and jeanine,
so sorry to hear the news. he was a lucky dog to have friends like you guys.
Dear Pres and Jeanine,
i have just this blog while i was looking for dog pictures and i have started to read it and i can only say that you are that kind of people that i always like to know.i'm so sorry for your loss.and i say that because i really feel it.i was born in spain and i have always been surrounded by dogs,my parents always liked them and i don't know how the life is without them,i remember when one of my dogs(the one who used to sleep on my bed) passed away because a cancer,we couldn't get a surgeon for her cause we hadn't enough money to pay it and because the doctor said it would be quite risky because of her age,so were watching how her life went away during a week,and finally she died.i don't use to say what i'm going to say because people never understand me,but "that day i cried like i have never cried again".now the years have passed and i have got 3 more little poodles but i'm living in u.k and they live in spain with my parents,i miss them in the same way i miss my parents,am i crazy?
i don't think so.they are part of my family.
i think you guys are able to understand my.
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